Greed corp.
Greed corp.

NK: Right now we’re keeping all our options open, closely following all the feedback we get on the game. TD: Do you have plans to provide continued support via downloadable content? Being the most experienced player at that time, the programmers felt they had accomplished one of their most difficult tasks for this project. A memorable moment I can recall is when the AI was able to beat me for the first time.

greed corp.

We also created our own in-house multi-platform engine, which is used by Greed Corp and will also be used for our upcoming projects. We already did a lot of groundwork for Mistbound, but we had to keep expanding and refining it. NK: Development lasted about two years, but during that time we didn’t just make Greed Corp. TD: What kind of development cycle did you have to work with, and what was the team’s best moment other than launching the game? The rest of them, including the titles you get for unlocking them, are nice rewards for getting to know the single-player part of the game. Of course, we kept the option open to join any game you want, and we offer a third of all the maps right from the start. NK: We really wanted to create a sense of progression within the game and pull people into the campaign, experiencing the different AI difficulties and introducing them to the factions and background story.

greed corp.

TD: I tend to take my time with single-player, but I have to beat the game to unlock all of the multiplayer maps. Mistbound was inspired by the industrial developments of the last centuries, so we wanted the music to create the feeling of a classic era. The whole world is blown and harvested to bits, but the band keeps on playing its happy tunes. NK: That’s also the result of our intention to lighten up the otherwise heavy theme of Mistbound.

greed corp.

TD: That explains the jaunty background music as well? This translated into the colorful and lighthearted appearance of Greed Corp. The current state of the world in Mistbound is pretty apocalyptic, but we wanted to make the world look like it was worth saving and fighting for. Our artists were very much inspired by the work of Hayao Miyazaki. NK: Greed Corp takes place in the world of Mistbound, a universe we created as a stage for our upcoming games. TD: Sounds like all-out war…yet the world's very colorful.

Greed corp.